Adria Vasil.
Random House Canada, 2007.
ISBN 978-0-679-31484-4.Reviewed By: Meredith Innes
It's a book for those who are “addicted to the planet”. David Suzuki says it nice and simple:
“This book is for people who want to do something to lighten their impact on the planet. The small steps cost us little in the way of effort, money or time, but the cumulative effects can be enormous”
- David Suzuki
Ecoholic by Adria Vasil is the “bible” for eco-conscious people wanting to make a smaller ecological footprint on our earth. It is a resource for information on products and suggests a way of living that is healthier for both the users as well as the environment. Vasil includes information on health and hygiene, clothing, home and renovation, travel and toys and games. Each chapter is full of useful Canadian companies that are selling and supporting sustainable and green, environmentally friendly products for you, your family and your home. Not only are these products protecting the environment but they also are healthy choices for us and for our bodies. Adria Vasil writes for NOW Magazine in their new Ecoholic column. She is promoting green living in Canada, speaking on shows like Much Music, MTV and CBC. Her energy and passion for green products comes through in this very interesting book.
Rating (1-5=useless to relevant): 5
I thought the book was very relevant to sustainability. Adria Vasil gives practical, realistic decisions to “live green” and opens readers to a world that they might not have known existed. I highly recommend the book. I suggest that it is a good book to have on hand as all Canadians switch to green products and are becoming more aware of their effect on the environment. My favorite chapter was “Beauty Spots”, where Vasil explains friendly, healthy products for hygiene. It opened my eyes to all the products that I am currently using that hurt me and the environment and I now think twice when walking into Shoppers Drug Mart to purchase the latest cosmetic product. I even loved that the book was printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper. Adria Vasil does an amazing job but the book can be dry at times, and isn't something that someone who “pick up” to read cover-to-cover. It engages the reader to a certain level, but acts more as a resource or guide than a book to continually read.
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