Reviewer: Abbi Chan
WorldChanging.com is an American-based online magazine, which covers the “tools, models and ideas for building a better future”. Over 50 writers around the world update the website with articles and blog entries daily. Their objective is to link various green issues together to create a network of resources to help change the future.
The website explores both environmental and economical concepts and solutions, and showing what humans can do to create a sustainable future. The website covers a range of resources, and is divided into categories: Stuff, Shelter, Cities, Community, Business, Politics and Planet for easy navigation.
Stuff looks at products that we consume in our daily life, and shows how we can be sustainable through these essential “stuff”, from food to technology to design. Shelter investigates how we can be sustainable through innovations in architecture, fuels, water and energy in smaller, private scale. Cities touch upon urban planning, megacities, transportation, fuel and energy in a bigger scale. This section displays green innovation within neighbourhoods and public transportations. Community introduces social issues and problems regarding health, education and culture, and demonstrated that some problems can’t be solve only by an individual but a community. Business investigates social responsibility, the green economy and marketing. Politics talks about communications, networking, media and human rights in creating a free and fair world. Planet addresses environmental issues that contribute to climate changes, sustainable developments, biodiversity and ecosystems.
Each category has a section of further readings, which includes other articles in other categories, website links, and book reviews. Additionally, viewers are able to exchange their opinion and recommendations by leaving comments. All of the website’s content is relevant to sustainability and building a green future from the micro scale to the macro.
Rating (1-5 = useless to relevant): 5
The website offers a broad range of useful resources regarding sustainability, from food to technology to economy. Since entries are posted daily, viewers are able to receive current news on sustainable issues from around the globe. It’s worth the time to look through the vast number of articles, or simply use the search tool to quickly look up a specific topic. It’s a very good website for research or to browse through. There are advantages and disadvantages for having a huge database of information. The pro is that for sure there’s something people will find interesting. The con is that there might be a challenge in finding the exact piece of information that one needs from the overwhelming number of articles. All in all, WorldChanging.com covers tremendous amount of information on what we, humans, can do in order to have a green future, from a personal level to a global level. I would absolutely recommend WorldChanging.com to others.
Rating (1-5 = awful to fabulous): 4
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